Is this Our Next Growth Market?

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Our next opportunity for growth may be right under our noses

Increase Reverse Mortgage Loan Production

It’s no surprise that in the wake of the housing crash, increased regulation, lower lending ratios and the HECM product redesign that many are seeking ways to expand their market and increase their loan production. Many have been successful in part in making inroads to financial professionals and others with builders, developers or real estate professionals. Some look to new advertising campaigns and public relations campaigns to help increase industry volume. Yet there is one sleeping giant that could easily be overlooked. FHA…

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Question Everything

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Think Critically, Think BIG

Reverse Mortgage News

In any profession, continued endeavor or activity we can fall prey to complacency which I would personally define as a false sense of contentment when we can do so much better. In essence selling ourselves short. This is not to disregard that one should recall and account for their successes. But more to the point. How can we as reverse mortgage professionals break complacency and embrace the motto ‘question everything’? Well here are a few points to ponder.

#1- The adjustable rate product often a better choice? The previous popularity of the fixed rate mortgage may lurk in the minds of many but truthfully which is a better product for the consumer? Should one forgoe a lower loan balance, a growing line of credit or future tenure payments all in the fear of increasing interest rates? After all if interest rates increase the borrower sees no change except that their loan balance will grow more quickly.

#2- Ditch Your Canned Speech. Certainly their are some elements of our presentation we should retain when speaking with loan officers reviving transactions or receiving….

What Are You Thankful For?

Gratitude Opens Doors

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Reverse Mortgage News

What We Can Be Grateful For In The Reverse Mortgage Industry

Now that we’ve eaten our last bites of Thanksgiving turkey and pumpkin pie it’s a good time to reflect on gratitude. The essence of yesterday’s holiday. But first I want to personally express our gratitude to you, our loyal viewers and members of Reverse Focus. YOU helped what began as a small idea in 2007 grow into an industry resource and backstop for reverse mortgage professionals. It’s our honor to work with each of you through the good and bad years of reverse mortgage lending.   One person near and dear to me said, “Be grateful for something. Always be grateful”. As simple as it sounds this exhortation made me consider my typical state of mind. Am I mindful of what blessings are in my life or do I focus on what I want or lack? We all know of those who are financially wealthy yet live in their own internal prison of want, lack and constantly feeling impoverished.  It boils down to our own internal compass or attitude. So what are a few things we can be thankful for as reverse mortgage professionals? #1- A mission driven industry. Many can claim their mission in their company’s letterhead, but how many can claim they help seniors enjoy their golden years with less worry, lack and want? Having worked in several industries I can say ours is the most mindful of our mission to help than any other I’ve encountered. #2- Untapped potential

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