Do These 5 Things for a Happier 2024

I usually blather on about New Year’s resolutions. That’s okay and we should set some goals for the new year. Why not? But how about something new? A happier state of mind in 2024? Here are five things each of us can do right now for a happier new year. 

First- stop worrying about what other people think about you. Most are engrossed in their world and are not paying much attention. Over-worrying about others’ perception of us is called the ‘Spotlight Effect’ where we imagine people are noticing us more than they really are.

Do you want to be satisfied and avoid unnecessary angst? Then wish for things to be as they turn out to be. Epictetus said, “Don’t demand that things happen as you wish, but wish that they happen as they do happen, and you will go on well.”

Focus on what you control. Weigh every situation and circumstance and ask yourself, “is this something I can control?”. If not, then discard it and with it the anxiety that comes with attempting to control the uncontrollable.

Find happiness outside of other’s approval. If we depend on others to feel good about ourselves then we’ve handed them over the reigns to our happiness. Instead, resolve to do your best work, focus on what you can do in a given moment, and remember that more often than not happiness is a state of mind- not a set of circumstances.

Use adversity to practice building the character traits you want to strengthen. For it’s outside our comfort zone that we find growth. Adversity is unavoidable and often reveals our present character strengths and weaknesses so we might as well use adversity as an opportunity to improve, grow stronger, and prepare ourselves for an uncertain future. 

Being our last episode of 2023 I want to wish every one of you a happy, prosperous, and productive 2024. Happy New Year!

Your 2019 Checklist

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Premier Reverse Closings

Welcome to 2019 and the annual American pastime of making new year’s resolutions. Before we set our business goals perhaps we should each first conduct a self-assessment. Here are just a few questions to consider.

Will I diversify my mortgage loan offerings?

Whether you have traditionally been a ‘reverse mortgage only’ originator or have been eying Home Equity Conversion Mortgages, there may be advantages to expand your product offerings.

Have I invested in purchasing/creating leads?

Believe it or not, many reverse mortgage professionals have been incredibly successful using purchased reverse mortgage leads. Truth be told, mortgage leads are a proven means to increase your bottom line but only when paired with the commitment for consistent orders and consistent follow-up.

Should I stay or should I go?

The Clash asked this proverbial question in their epic song. Each year should be the time to reflect on our chosen profession? Are you prepared to forge ahead in what is presently a challenging HECM marketplace? Before you answer that question remember that your fellow originators forged ahead during the housing crash and economic crisis ten short years ago.

Am I leaving money on the table?

This has been a common phrase among salespeople for nearly a century. It harkens back to the era of in-home sales when a salesperson left too quickly walking away from the kitchen table. Are you losing potential loans due to a lack of follow up, cherry-picking which leads to work, or simply forgetting to call the homeowner back? Without a CRM (such as Sales Engine) you are most likely losing sales.

Do my beliefs match my career?

To succeed you must believe in your chosen profession. This is the time for brutal honesty. Do you still believe in the value that reverse mortgages hold for older homeowners? You should as no other loan offers the same unique benefits of no required monthly mortgage payments while retaining ownership. That’s the question you must ask yourself.

Why do I do what I do?

Originating traditional mortgages? How about HECMs? Either way, stop and consider the why. If it’s merely for the money, good luck weathering the storms of any industry. If your motivations go beyond making a buck write that down. The most successful mortgage professionals are mission-driven having a larger motivation for going to the office every day. If you prompted by a desire to help homeowners, you are probably in the right place.

of Doorways, Time, and New Beginnings

PRC Title settlement reverse mortgages

January’s Gifts

Many people make New Year’s resolutions; few of us tend to stick with them throughout the year. But by tuning in to specific days and events each month, you can boost both your HECM business and senior spirit with intriguing, educational information. For instance:

January is named for Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transitions, so it’s an excellent month for older adults to consider a reverse mortgage — and for LOs to create new ways of reaching appropriate candidates.

According to the National Day Calendar, January is National Mentoring Month, inaugurated by The Harvard School of Public Health and The National Mentoring Partnership in 2002. This might be an auspicious time to speak about new models of aging in intergenerational communities (watch for our upcoming post, This Treehouse Isn’t Just for Kids!) that are springing up around the U.S. and across the globe.

Here are four January highlights that can serve as talking points and action opportunities with your HECM clients and prospects:

1. January 6: National Technology Day. The chronologically gifted are more digitally adept than ever before, as we’ve noted often. Here are some recent posts about how tech is reinvigorating and reimagining what our later years can look like:reverse mortgage news

You might start a conversation about how technology is helping your elder population — or find out where there’s a need for tech mentoring. Perhaps you can arrange for interested seniors to get tech training at their local senior center, high school, or community college. Bonus: it will connect elders with others, who may also benefit from the interaction.

2. January 19: National Get to Know Your Customers Day (third Thursday of each quarter). A perfect reason to throw a New Year’s open house for clients, past and present, as well as prospects and associates. Ask your current clients to invite anyone whom they think might want to learn about a HECM, but keep the open house itself low-key: a friendly social with healthy snacks and beverages. Have brochures and business cards available, and collect the names and contact information of those to whom you’re introduced. Next week’s outreach will have more warm leads!

3. January 23: National Pie Day. While the calendar is replete with food-related holidays, both official and unofficial, National Pie Day is especially enjoyable because many businesses offer free or discounted pies on January 23rd. If you didn’t hold an open house for Get to Know Your Customers Day, this is another delicious opportunity to connect. Encourage people to bring and share recipes as well as home-baked goodies.

4. January 31: Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. Creativity knows no age, and this day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the artistic elders in your sphere of influence. A few prior posts that address art and well being:

Besides sharing their own artistic creations, some ways to encourage elders to enjoy the arts include:

  • Visiting an art gallery
  • Attending a ballet or concert
  • Playing an instrument (or mentoring someone else)
  • Seeing an inspirational film
  • Beginning work on their own masterpiece.

With resolutions timed to specific days, themes and activities, it will be easier to build momentum and flow with the changes 2017 is sure to bring.

Four New Year’s resolutions you’ll love to keep

Reverse Mortgage New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Love to Keep

Reverse Mortgage ResolutionsIt’s that time of year again: too much to do, too many parties — and too many promises to start the diet or join a gym after the New Year.

But what if keeping a resolution was as easy — and joyful — as the holidays themselves? We’ve come up with some New Year’s commitments for reverse mortgage professionals that will have you eager to return to the office on January 2nd, ready to start 2012 on healthy, prosperous footing.

#1 Lose wait. No, that isn’t a typo; it’s a reframe of the typical resolution about excess eating. Procrastination keeps the “wait” on, while springing into action guarantees you’ll soon begin to be trim.

Reverse mortgage resolution #1: Make a New Year’s business plan. Revisit what worked in the past, what’s not working, and decide what you must do now in order to delve into rather than shelve your business in 2012.

#2 Get fit. While a toned body is important for well-being, so is a well exercised brain. Continuing education is crucial for your ongoing success; think of it as a health club membership for your mind.

Reverse mortgage resolution #2: Personal enrichment. Beyond what’s required to maintain your license, personal enrichment can include: 1) Delving (there’s that word again) into the intricacies of the reverse mortgage process. Read books, listen to audio programs and watch videos on sales and productivity that inspire and inform. 2) Mental wellness. What can you do this year to cultivate and maintain a positive outlook?

#3 Expand your network. The reverse mortgage industry is known for helping financially strapped seniors keep their homes, but there’s a huge, relatively untapped market of more affluent borrowers who may also be excellent reverse mortgage prospects.

Reverse mortgage resolution #3: Put a plan in place to reach out to certified financial planners (CFPs), financial advisors and other retirement experts to create win-win scenarios for their clientele.

#4 Look out for No. 1. There’s a reason airline emergency instructions exhort passengers traveling with small children, “Put your own oxygen mask on first.” By choosing to take good care of yourself and your business, you’ll have a healthy, balanced perspective to share with your reverse mortgage prospects and clients.

Reverse mortgage resolution #4: Reexamine time management. Are you making the highest and best use of your talents? Are you working as efficiently and effectively as you might be? Do you need to delegate, hire someone to handle paperwork, or move in a different direction with your business?

When you have smart New Year’s resolutions ready to activate January 1st, you can relax and enjoy truly happy holidays!