A Four Day Work Week? - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

A Four Day Work Week?



Steps for a 4-Day Work Week or 1 Day of Sanity!

reverse mortgage newsWould you like a four day workweek? While this may not be possible for many wouldn’t it be nice to have Friday’s as your day to catch up, strategize, and plan for the following week?

Planning has its benefits, yet the demands of our daily work life often usurp our best laid plans. Perhaps if we better structure not the work that we do, but how we do it we could free up one day in the interest of our continued sanity and productivity.

1. Start with the important stuff…first!

Begin your workday with the most important tasks. Truth be told we are creatures that run on cycles of energy and focus, what some refer to as ultradian rhythms. These are the 90-120 minutes brain cycles when our minds are most energized and efficient. If you’re ‘not in the mood’, it may be because you’re out of rhythm.

2. Break it up…into pieces

Do you have a big gnarly project or task? Reduce the fear factor by breaking it into pieces. You can assign these smaller tasks as time blocks to your calendar naming each event for…

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