Just do the exact opposite - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

Just do the exact opposite


Do the opposite of what you’d typically do

“Try to be less like yourself”. It’s an odd phrase but one that brings to mind a classic episode of Seinfeld where George Costanza has an epiphany that doing things instinctually has only led to failure but finds success in doing the exact opposite of what he’d typically do.



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  1. Because of you I am now a Daily Stoic subscriber. I saw that episode this week and so identified with it. I am putting the Constanza principle into practice in my personal and professional life. Thanks for sharing this morning. Good food for thought!

    • Sandy-I’m glad to hear you’re a subscriber. Ryan does a fantastic job. His books are excellent as well and are available on Audible. Thank you for your feedback!

  2. My husband and I read the book every day of Daily Stoic and we loved it!! Thank you for sharing their website Shannon!

    • Lori- thanks for sharing! You’ve actually are a few books ahead of me…keep up the good work!

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