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Stop Fighting with Yourself



When giving up is winning

reverse mortgage newsPerhaps you’ve attended the same classes I have. Self improvement, time management, fitness training, or business coaching. While it is exciting to embrace the idea that we can in fact improve, often times we are setting ourselves up for disappointment because we are in fact, fighting with ourselves. Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought, brought to you by Open Mortgage, where better is possible.

The odyssey of self-discovery and improvement has many rewards. What often is ignored is when we should quit pushing the same rock uphill and instead reevaluate if we are forcing ourselves into someone else’s ideals or or own.

Time is more than a sequence of events or controlling how we interact with our daily obligations. Chaos, abnormally long hours, diminished health, strained relationships, and procrastination are all good indicators that the wheels have begun to fall off the wagon. One of the biggest traps we can fall into is the quest for efficiency versus being strategic. Let me give you an example.

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