When They're Ticked Off - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

When They’re Ticked Off



angry-happy6 keys to win back angry customers

It happens, or as a bumper sticker says… Despite your efforts, systems and organization it will happen- your clients will get ticked off- at you! It’s a mix of disappointment that all your safeguards didn’t prevent the situation in the first place coupled with the stress of dealing with an angry homeowner. How do you mend the relationship?

How can we effectively deal with unhappy, angry or disappointed clients? Here are a few tips:

1. Isolate the issue. What is it specifically that triggered an angry reaction? Was it a lack of communication? Unmet expectations? A misunderstanding of the reverse mortgage? You must first know what the cause is before you jump in to fix it.

2. Lose the ego. It takes a strong person to admit when they…

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  1. Do it right to start with.

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