10 Hacks to Get More Done - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

10 Hacks to Get More Done



A practical approach to getting things done

What’s a lifehack? It’s the term used to describe a strategy or method to increase one’s efficiency. Something each of us can benefit from as mortgage professionals. Is your schedule hectic? Is your anxiety building up?reverse mortgage news Then try these 10 tips.

Lifehack is one of my favorite go-to sites for inspiration, motivation and productivity strategies. Something I find valuable when the paralysis of being overwhelmed sets in.

A recent post from Carles Sabarich gives us 10 practical ways to get more ‘stuff’ done every day.

1. Set your priorities. Figure out what’s most important. One strategy I use is the ABC method prioritizing task in the order of their importance, A- most important, B- should do, and C- would be nice to complete.

2. Take charge. Take control by time-blocking tasks that require more than 5 minutes to complete. If it takes less than a few minutes don’t write it down, just do it!

3. Ditch procrastination. One way to overcome procrastination is to ‘eat the frog first‘

Download the video transcript here.


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1 Comment

  1. Shannon,

    Sound advice!

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