September Top 100 HECM Lenders Report - Skip to content

September Top 100 HECM Lenders Report

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Download your September 2016 Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report Here.

This Report Does Not Include Broker or TPO Data

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This report was compiled from data courtesy of Reverse Market Insight.
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  1. Although not recognized by the report, September 30, 2016 is the fiscal year end of HUD. HUD reports cumulative endorsement totals by its fiscal year end unlike the linked report which adjusts cumulative endorsements to the calendar year.

    HUD showed that fiscal year 2016 ended with cumulative endorsements of 48,902. We have to go all the way back to September 30, 2005 to find a cumulative endorsement of less than 50,000 for a fiscal year.

    So we are now in the position of not being able to reach even 50,000 endorsements in a single fiscal year which is the worst fiscal year total in over a decade. The industry refuses to understand its plight which makes one wonder have we reached bottom? While everyone may say “YES, we have,” we also heard chants of 100,000 endorsements at the start of fiscal 2011 at the NRMLA conference as well. But have reached 100,000 endorsements in any fiscal year since fiscal 2009?

    Is recovery in sight?

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