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7 Questions That Predict Your Success



Success. Its definition reaches far beyond our income, position, and responsibilities. For some success is achieving the freedom to live the life they want, while for others it hinges on their professional recognition. Do you want to know if you will be successful in the future? If so, ask yourself these questions. Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought, brought to you by Open Mortgage, where better is possible.

reverse mortgage news1. Do I share my goals?. We’ve heard for years that sharing our goals helps increase accountability, however, some studies have shown quite the opposite. In a recent TED Talk “Keep your goals to yourself”, Derek Sivers said that sharing your goals can lead to a social reality that tricks the mind into feeling you’ve already met your goal. It boils down to less talking and more doing until after the fact.

2. Am I stubborn?. The world and those around it are constantly seeking to impose its will on you. “The question is whose will does prevail in the end? Stronger will power is the results of…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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