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Lunch: The Golden Hour



How to Leverage the “Golden Hour”

reverse mortgage newsYou groggily gulp coffee as you head out the door to your car and jump on the interstate hoping for an uneventful commute. As you enter your office your pulse quickens as your stack of paperwork and voicemail light flashes greeting your return. The unrelenting pace of our workday continues through the early evening hours. In the rush, you most likely missed an important midday appointment: lunch. Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought brought to you by Open Mortgage, where better is possible.

For most of us, the daily grind of the workweek repeats itself like a broken record. It’s not so much a pessimistic statement but a realization that our days are chock full of repetitive tasks and activities. This regimen will wear any professional down slowly. With this in mind, most of us are missing out a valuable mid-day opportunity to reboot, lunch.

Here are some ways to leverage your daily lunch break for renewal, perspective, and efficiency.

1. Plan ahead. Each Friday schedule your following week’s potential lunch…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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