An Action-Oriented Achiever - Skip to content

An Action-Oriented Achiever


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4 Tips to Move from Desire to Action

reverse mortgage newsJust what are the keys to overcoming the obstacles that block us from getting things done? After all isn’t that what we wrestle with the moment we get out of bed? Ideas, dreams, and goals are good but the truth is actions speak louder than words. What do your actions reveal? Do your actions reflect your personal and professional goals?

The common roadblocks that prevent us from taking action are a lack of motivation, low self-confidence, perfectionism, procrastination, and confusion. So where does the rubber meet the road in being an action-oriented individual? Here are a few tips.

1. Know the difference between being busy versus productive. Sure, someone moving quickly, typing on their computer and shuffling papers may appear to be productive, but are they? Motion is important but it must be…


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