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Lead Provider Invested in New Spokesman


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Affinity Partnerships launches new campaign with Danny Glover

The reverse mortgage made its early public splash with the advent of celebrity spokesmen Robert Wagner, Jerry Orbach, James Garner and the late Senator Fred Thompson to name a few. While some have questioned the effectiveness of celebrity spokespersons one online provider has invested in a new effort to educate consumers with their new spokesman Danny Glover.

ap_backDespite recent product improvements, positive media coverage and increased adoption of the HECM by financial professionals, the reverse mortgage remains largely misunderstood by the general public. Our industry has respectfully pushed back against this perception bias with educational efforts and national advertising. Celebrity spokespersons play a key role in opening public dialog and dispelling common misconceptions about the loan product.

Affinity Partnerships, an Idaho-based technology firm that builds online platforms to educate specific demographic markets is partnering with select HECM lenders featuring a new national television campaign featuring Danny Glover…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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  1. This was a very well presented by Shannon.

    I feel Affinity Partnerships has the right attitude and approach with Danny Glover.

    Reverse mortgages are some of the most misunderstood financial products on the market today. Perhaps no thanks to mainstream media horror stories in the years prior to the most recent string of changes to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage HECM.

    Educating the public is right on, we in the industry can’t do enough educational advertising by TV, newspaper, radio, Boots on the ground and any other means we can!

    We as an industry, along with NURMLA need to take the path Affinity Partnerships have taken. We need to start pooling our recourses with one another toward defeating this misconception about the reverse mortgage! We only have everything to gain by it and nothing at all to lose!

    As far as Danny Glover, he is great spokesman for many reasons!

    I hope many out there have listened to Shannon’s presentation, he did a good job and we can all learn from it.

    I will be looking for the advertisements with Danny Glover in them. Make it a great day all!

    John A. Smaldone

  2. Danny is not cut from the same clothe as the now deceased former Senator; thus he will reach into segments of the senior community that the Senator could not. The potential is clearly there. Now for the execution and follow up.

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