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Are You Fully Present?


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4 Steps to Intentional ‘Conscious’ Living

Do you grapple with the ever-present need to be connected to every tidbit of information? What’s going on with my friends social media accounts? What’s the latest political or economic news? What is the latest development in the reverse fully-presentmortgage industry? While the desire to absorb information is helpful to stay informed it can also take us directly out of the present moment.

Here are some tips I have learned from my friend and hard-earned personal lessons I’ve taken with me along the way.

1- Setup Filters. Ask yourself the question “is this information useful to me?”. Much of what we spend our mental energy on is fluff, filler and background noise. Will what you are doing help you be a better husband, wife, parent or coworker? Does this information encourage me or drag me down into cynicism and despair?

2- Just one thing. Seems odd but try to do just one thing at a time versus trying to mentally unwind one issue while your hands are busy doing something else.

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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