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Hold Your Head High


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You may be the last hope for this generation of retirees

reverse mortgage newsIt’s no news flash that our industry has underwent severe growing pains in recent years. Many of you have your share of battle scars that serve as an ever-present reminder of relentless product changes, housing market upheavals and previous media attacks against the reverse mortgage and those who sell them.

All things considered one may ask “what’s the upside of being in this business?”  While true it may seem that no good deed goes unpunished when it comes to helping older Americans ensure a more comfortable retirement, yet there is a sliver lining; the need is immense for income solutions and will continue to grow. Why? Fewer retirees are prepared today than in any previous generation before it. Entitlement programs and Social Security are unsustainable though few politicians will actually take the required  course of action required to avert disaster. After all would any politician today dare utter the words of President Frank Underwood in the hit Netflix Series House of Cards? “For too long, we in Washington have…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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