5 Tips for Annual Review & 2016 Planning - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

5 Tips for Annual Review & 2016 Planning


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A Once a Year Opportunity

The holidays being at the end of the calendar year give each of us the unique and limited opportunity for both retrospective insight and strategic planning. The question is will you take time this month to lay the foundation for the coming year? Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought brought to you by Reverse Focus.reverse mortgage news

Unfortunately none of us have a Delorean time machine that allows us to go back in time to fix the world’s woes and ensure our future success. What we do have though is the opportunity to reflect on the past year and apply the lessons learned to the coming year.

Here are just a few ideas to help you plan for success in 2016.

1. Review your calendar. If you kept a good record of your time go back and review just where you spent your time in 2015. Look for meetings that yielded business referrals, conferences attended, marketing efforts and more. Write down what activities you wish to continue, enhance or discard in 2016. You may be surprised just how you actually spent your time.

2. Track your 2015 sales. Go back and look at your sales metrics by month. For example, the number of…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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  1. Don’t Forget : High Trust Selling By Todd Duncan

  2. Annual reviews are far better than no review but are marginally effective. Monthly reviews are much better. They can be summarized with an annual review in December or better yet early January. Or you could do two smaller reviews in July and January.

    Annual reviews can take hours if they are sufficiently detailed to make change. If they are generalized, they will be ineffective.

    As a partner in a CPA firm we took one half day per month to see what we were doing as a firm and the direction we were taking so that we should hold the line to growth. Without that accounting, it is too easy to stray. Twice a year we held retreats where we looked at annual and long-term goals so that we all knew what we were striving for.

    The best kind of review is with a mentor or someone who sees you regularly but is not your competitor.

    Perhaps better than Excel for tracking sales activities is Access. It may take awhile to learn but its flexibility means better tracking according to what is effective for you.

  3. you only look back to profit from your mistakes and the future will be better

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