November Top 100 HECM Lenders Report - Skip to content

November Top 100 HECM Lenders Report

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Download your November 2015 Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report Here.

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This report was compiled from data courtesy of Reverse Market Insight.


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  1. You must go back to November 2004 to find a lower endorsement total for a November. If this is the fiscal year we are going to achieve more than 60,000 endorsements, we are off to a terrible start.

    Like most NRMLA conventions, there is an air of optimism which has a tendency to go over the top with predictions for this fiscal year. However, finally, at least one leader stated things the way they are in saying: “Without forward thinking, expect us to be sitting here next year talking about how we get past 50,000 units.” Reza, I hope you are finishing your points on next year’s talk on this topic; hopefully by then you will have a receptive audience.

    To grow we need to recruit originators who may not be as good with our traditional senior customers but can competently meet and gain significant numbers of referrals from financial advisers. Right now there are more than enough originators who can care for those who can qualify for a HECM from our traditional needs based seniors. It is difficult and costly to convert originators who are unfamiliar with personal finance terminology and ideas to be those who gain referrals largely from cold calling.

  2. Ok Marty…

    • Doug,

      Marty who or was that directed to RMI?

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