You May Be Burned Out If... - Skip to content

You May Be Burned Out If…


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Signs of Burnout and Tips to Help Stop the Insanity

reverse mortgage news

Burnout. It didn’t happen overnight. If you reflect you may find it was a slow burn that begin months or even years ago. Long hours, never ending changes, new regulations, technology and software issues all can contribute to acondition that is common in the American workplace. What are the signs of burnout and how can we avoid it? Here is what to look for.

1. Spaced Out. Mental lapses. Those suffering burnout may find themselves spacing out or going mentally blank. Just as your computer may occasionally show an hourglass telling you to wait our brains do not respond well to extended stress and mental overload. Try listing your tasks in an organized manner and time blocking to help clear your mind a bit.

2. Short fuse. If you find yourself losing your temper quickly at things that you would typically shrug off this may be…
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