Taking Control of Your Thought Life - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

Taking Control of Your Thought Life


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Six Ways to Take Every Thought Captive

reverse mortgage newsThoughts. Scientists estimate the average individual has about 50,000 thoughts per day. If that’s true I would venture to say the average reverse mortgage professionals has 70,000. It is not the thoughts we have that cause us to struggle but what we do with them. When faced with sudden change, upheaval or uncertainty we will benefit by learning how to better manage and control our daily thought life. This is key since the majority of our unconscious thoughts may be negative in nature. Here are some tips I have found useful and perhaps may help.

1- Face it.  Stop and look at the thought for what it is. I have often said ‘stop’ aloud to help reframe my state of mind. This is a disciplined approach which requires me to take every thought captive…in other words take control and be the boss, not the servant of my thoughts…

Download the video transcript for this episode here.

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