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You only get one chance


Proficio Mortgage
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10 Ways to Leave a Strong First & Lasting  Impression

reverse mortgage newsOne chance. That’s all you get when it comes to making first impressions with your potential borrowers, outside professionals and others. Having spent numerous years in the field sitting at hundreds of kitchen tables as an originator and financial professional here are a few things I’ve learned or failed at in the past. Here are just a few ways we can all better prepare for that first impression. #1- The first sale: setting the appointment. Your first point of contact is making the first sale: getting the agreement to meet. In doing so be sure while being confident and asking yes-yes questions that you exude gratitude and class. One thing we should always say is “thank you for the opportunity to meet”. I really look forward to meeting you. Close the call warmly. It’s your first lasting impression. #2- Easy on the cologne or perfume. That new high-end fragrance that you love may be offensive to those you meet with. So use good judgment and avoid soaking yourself in the latest scent. If your concerned about scent use an unscented deodorizer before you arrive. Smell nice but not overpowering. #3- Never wear sunglasses. Sure you may wear them…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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  1. What about first impressions in a telephone call? Thanks.

  2. Great tips. The suggestion I would add is to refer to client as Mr. or Mrs. unless they request otherwise. Or, if you know their first name you can ask their permission to use it. Then keep a record of that permission for future conversations.

    • Jim,

      Very true! Maybe I am old-school but that’s the way I was taught and I’d imagine the same for you.

  3. These wee all very good points and important reminders. The only thing I do different is with how I dress. In my market I have found that “business casual” works best. I know it probably is different depending on where you are located, but I have found a lot of folks are not comfortable with the “suit and tie” look. Keep up the great series of discussions.

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