8 Ways to Reach Boomers & Their Parents - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

8 Ways to Reach Boomers & Their Parents


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reverse mortgage newsYou know how to reach reverse mortgage prospects. Between your own marketing expertise and all the tools, training and technology available from ReverseFocus.com, you’ve got lead generation down to a science.

But with the Boomers now a “sandwich generation” — as well as those on the oldest end of the spectrum potential reverse mortgage candidates themselves — it pays to appeal to both Boomers and their parents for maximum impact.

Here are eight creative ways to reach both audiences:

  • Develop webinars to attract internet-savvy prospects, and consider catchy titles such as “Heart to Heart for Your Smart Future”.
  • Contact medical doctors, chiropractors, integrative medicine clinics and other health service providers popular among Boomers who work with a senior population, and ask about holding talks or workshops there. Emphasize the win-win: you’ll bring potential new business to their door.
  • Offer midday or after work talks at YMCAs, churches and synagogues, Lion’s Clubs, Elks Lodges, and similar membership organizations. Large corporations may even be willing to hire you to give workshops (e.g., a lunchtime talk series) as long as it is informative and not sales oriented.
  • Discover where Boomer women in your region convene: women’s business networking groups, college alumni events, wellness conferences, etc., and offer a talk on the benefits of creating solvency for older women, particularly if they live alone or believe they may in the future (single, widowed, divorced, etc).
  • Research city guides of community services and target these service centers as possible speaking venues.
  • Blog! The simpler and shorter the article, the more likely it will be read — and shared via social media. Make a list of topics or questions Boomers and their parents might most want to know more about (not only reverse mortgage information, but anything relevant to aging in place, their home, health, finances, etc.)
  • Arrange a roundtable conversation about hot topics, such as “The challenges of aging” or “How to navigate and work through conflict,” that will appeal to both Boomers and their aging parents.
  • Contact estate planning attorneys, mediators, therapists, libraries and other sources that accept for-profit organizations as speakers (emphasize your senior service focus).


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  1. Thank you so much, Eduardo!

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