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Face the Music


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Reverse Mortgage News
With the reverse mortgage industry re-tuning in a major key, it’s helpful to make the most of every opportunity to connect, communicate and collaborate for enhanced business success in 2014 and beyond.

As you prepare for the collegial symphony in N’awlins next month, here’s an overview of The 10 Types of People You Meet At Conferences. While it’s somewhat tongue-in-cheek, see if you recognize yourself in any of the profiles — and which people are most likely to be good contacts for you at NRMLA.

Several to seriously consider:

  • The Salesperson. Yes, they can be a trifle pushy, but a terrific pitcher may be just the person you need to hit more home runs with reverse mortgage prospects — or with financial planners, realtors, and other professionals who serve a senior clientele.

  • The Keynote Speaker. New procedures and requirements call for clear explanations that diverse audiences can understand. Is this someone who might be able to address your group, or whom you’d be wise to add to your professional network?
  • The Sponsor. Whether they’re colleagues, competitors, or other industry related service providers, one fact is certain: NRMLA conference sponsors are committed to the reverse mortgage profession. Get to know them and see how you can support their business focus.
  • The Job Seeker. Like the Salesperson (who may be part of this category), the job seeker can be a resource if you’re planning to expand. It can be surprisingly challenging to find someone who possesses the specific skill set you seek and is conversant with the reverse mortgage industry.

So enjoy NRMLA’s 15th Annual Meeting & Expo in the city that gave birth to jazz. Savor the jambalaya and gumbo. Soak up the history of the French Quarter. And return home with a new approach to a new reverse mortgage industry for the new year ahead. Though it may have seemed overwhelming going in, once you’ve faced the music you’ll no doubt be jazzed for what’s ahead.



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  1. From one of the very few reverse mortgage bloggers to another, that post made me grin. Now let’s get NRMLA to start utilizing Twitter for its conferences!

  2. Hi Seamus ~

    Nice to meet you! You didn’t include your blog address but I’d love to take a look!

    I bet a lot of NRMLA participants will be Tweeting during the conference, which seems to be the norm now. A NRMLA conference that takes place on Twitter sounds intriguing 🙂

    Thanks for commenting,

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