Success in 21 Ways - Skip to content

Success in 21 Ways



21 Practical Ways for True Success

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Reverse Mortgage Lending Success

Success. To often I’ve fallen into the trap to isolate its meaning to my career. How many applications written, loans closed, overall personal income…etc. Those are good measures of our professional & financial achievements but success is so much broader. It encompasses broader principles that span both our personal AND professional lifes. Author H Jackson Brown’s watershed book “21 Suggestions for Success” remains a classic primer on true success. Personally I needed this exhortation having become focused on the state of our industry and expected changes. So without further to do here are the 21 suggestions Jackson makes for true success with some of my interjections. #1 Marry the…


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  1. Success is traveling 3000 miles to enjoy a visit and breakfast w my 97 yr old mother who not only gets to “age in place” but remains independent w the support of family.Thanks to the state of Massachusetts, her drivers license was renewed last week and she just now hoped in the car to drive to her daily church service. Success is experiencing life w a family who continues to rise to daily challenges optimistically, enthusiastically and with a vision of love. Success is that simple.

  2. Great reminder Shannon. Thanks for the message.

  3. Shannon,

    Great stuff as always. My list was 12 TO DO’s but you’ve caused me to think about adding 9 more. Thanks.

  4. Thank you for the great comments. Galen you are so right! Mike, that’s great now your list is a bit longer. Here’s to improving in 21 ways!

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