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Keeping Our Promises


Keeping Promises & Locking Out the Competition

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Reverse Mortgage Loan Professionals

Keeping Your Word In Business As A Reverse Mortgage Professional

As reverse mortgage loan professionals we often find ourselves not competing just on fees, pricing and interest rates but on service. All things being equal to your prospective borrower it’s not only the promises you make, but keep that can determine if you get the loan or lose it to your competition. One way to keep every promise we make is not to make any but that is not a realistic approach so here’s how you can not only make but deliver on your promises. If you’re in a competitive situation ask the borrower to keep track of who…


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  1. Shannon, that was another excellent Friday’s Food For Thought.

  2. Shannon,

    Thank you for another great Food for Thought. I find that sometimes being able to be face to face with your borrower can make all the difference. It can set you apart when competing against someone in another state.

    • You’re most welcome! Face to face is the strongest trust builder when possible…

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