How to be a Powerful Presenter - Skip to content

How to be a Powerful Presenter



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Whether you speak before groups, on the phone or at the kitchen table there are some techniques you can use to increase your effectiveness and impact. So when preparing for your next sales appointment or presentation keep these items in mind.

1. Plan Ahead
2. Be careful with the visual aids
3. Be real
4. Don’t preach
5. Tell a story
6. Slow down!
7. Call to action



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  1. How to Present a Powerful Presentation was an excellent, short, 3-minute video reminder of how important it is to plan ahead, be real, slow down and ask for the order. We all know these points; however it doesn’t hurt to be reminded. I plan to keep this video handy before going out on a sales call.

  2. When I do a presentation for a group, I always open it up questions and those that ask a question get a “prize”. A stress ball, etc. This keeps the group engaged, eyes on me and puts a little fun in it.

    • The use of props and questions is an excellent approach! Keep up the good work.

  3. Good stuff, Shannon, practical advice like this we can never hear too much off. The art of listening is often over shadowed. Do these type of sessions more often please.

    • Ernie,

      Thank you. I will get more of these topics on future episodes.

  4. Very good Shannon, everyone should watch this and learn from it no matter how seasoned they are!

    • Thank you Eric. True professionals never stop learning!

  5. Speak slowly, pause, is probably one of the many things you spoke about that we all need to be reminded of no matter how experienced. We sometimes don’t realize that even though WE understand Reverse Mortgages, there are thoes who know nothing about them. Your presentation was excellent, and I am sure everyone took home tips on how to make their seminars even better.

    Overuse of powerpoints and other things turn people off. They want to hear from YOU, that is why they came. Show you care, and do exactly as you outlined; great presentation that will help all of us. Thanks, Shannon!

  6. Shannon,

    It is refreshing to hear these tips once again.

    My wife was hurrying to leave when she overheard your opening and called out: “Remind me that I need to hear that later.”

    Yeah, you and Reverse Focus have that kind of impact. Despite what is going on in the industry, Reverse Focus is there to help refocus our attention on what matters, helping seniors through becoming better and more responsible originators.

    For clarity, this opinion has been written as an individual originator who is helped by Reverse Focus and not as a spokesperson for any company including Security One Lending or any of its affiliates.

  7. Nice!
    And even though “preaching” may be a No-No, I found your presentation to be a example of Practising What You were Preaching.

  8. Great reinforcement aid. Short, sweet and to the point. Great job. Thank you. Even though a person maybe doing the right thing, it is important to review and keep on track. Never do the “laundry list” on important facts. Keep it personal. I also take into consideration my audience. For those who are mentally sharp, keep it moving and confirm understanding and for those who need more time and easier explanations, talk slower and give more examples.

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