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How not to hate meetings



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Reverse Mortage Business

Whether you work in a reverse mortgage lending office or from your home office we all have meetings or conference calls. The question is how do we get the most from meetings and avoid wasting time in the process? Having been on hundreds of conference calls I got a real laugh from just how easily these meetings can digress into time wasters. It’s ironic  just how easily time can get away from us all in the name of having a meeting. Here are some simply ways you can hold yourself and others accountable. #1- Be on time….


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  1. Shannon,

    Thanks for the good presentation.

    As our branch begins working with a developer in another state, I find my time is spent more and more on the road away from the office. With our joint venture (“JV”) associates, we find we must reign in much of the getting to know you time due to the time constraints of the JV associates during their extremely busy schedule this time of year. Conference calls like shown in the link cannot be permitted if our business relationship is going to grow.

    While anything more than a very, very broad agenda really cannot be prepared for the meetings with our JV associates, a follow up summary email has been overlooked. That point alone made this meeting worth more than the time spent.

    • Thank you Cynic. You’re real life story makes the need for good meetings that more compelling.

  2. Fantastic video I will share will all the managers/ owners and others at our company.

    All 9 points are very important.

    I did belong to Toasmasters for several years. Many of your points were stressed and learned “on the job” at Toastmaster. Especiall, start and end on time.

    THANK YOU again for the Friday thoughts.

    Best regars, Jim Murtha

    • You’re most welcome Jim. Here’s a toast to our meetings being less painful my friend.

  3. Hey Shannon,

    Thanks for the shout out!! Good seeing you in person!

    George Vrban
    Genworth Financial

    • Most certainly George! It was great meeting you. Thank you for showing these videos to your team. Here’s to you and your team’s success!

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