Mortgage Cadence Announces the Release of prime+ 12.1 - Skip to content

Mortgage Cadence Announces the Release of prime+ 12.1

Reverse Mortgage Lending Tools

Reverse Mortgage Lending Tools

Enhanced Functionality to Accelerate the Lending Process

Contact: Dan Green EVP, Marketing 608.770.7861

August 14, 2012 – Mortgage Cadence LLC, a leading provider of Enterprise Lending Solutions (ELS), Document and Compliance Services, and Default Servicing Technology for the financial services industry, announced today the release of prime+ 12.1, which will be installed for all Prime Alliance customers on August 21, 2012. prime+ 12.1 is the latest release in an on- going, uninterrupted, and storied history of innovation and invention. This release offers loan officers and production teams 45 new tools and alerts designed to increase efficiency, enhance communication, and speed loan closings.

prime+ 12.1 benefits the entire mortgage team. The idea is simple: automate notifications throughout the mortgage process that prompt action and alert team members and borrowers to important changes and events impacting the lending lifecycle. “Staying on top of every detail has always been important during loan origination but is now essential due to ever- increasing regulations, which have created stricter compliance standards. This release provides tools that keep everyone informed, help speed processes, and ease compliance burdens,” said Dan Green, executive vice president of marketing, Mortgage Cadence. prime+ 12.1 will be installed for all customers on August 21st and 23rd. “The release of 12.1 marks a dozen years of consistent enhancement,” he concluded.

“With the complete prime+ mortgage platform, which facilitates mortgage lending from origination through closing and funding, Mortgage Cadence offers the most complete and advanced suite of products in the lending technology industry,” said CEO of Mortgage Cadence, Mike Detwiler. “Our acquisition of Prime Alliance Solutions and the remarkable systems they have built over more than a decade puts our customers years ahead. The time is now for all credit unions to build and execute sustainable mortgage lending strategies. There simply isn’t time to wait for technology to catch up”, he stated.

Mortgage Cadence’s next release of prime+ occurs this December with version 12.2. “We are very pleased with 12.1. 12.2 raises the bar throughout the enterprise lending industry,” concluded Detwiler. “Our culture is one of constant, continuing technological advance supporting our customers’ needs in ways unmatched by all competitors.”

About Mortgage Cadence, LLC

Mortgage Cadence is the leading provider of Enterprise Lending Solutions (“ELS”), which employ an extensive financial services data model wrapped with a native rules engine to deliver data-driven workflow automation tools to mortgage banks, lenders, credit unions, service providers and servicers. Mortgage Cadence has developed enterprise solutions that integrate all functions and data elements required to optimize, manage and score lending performance. The mortgage industry is always shifting to meet demands and minimize risks. Mortgage Cadence’s flexible solutions continue to evolve to meet those needs. To learn more, please visit


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