Are the Barriers Too High for Reverse Mortgages? - Skip to content

Are the Barriers Too High for Reverse Mortgages?


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Reverse Mortgage Product Challenges

Obstacles Of The Reverse Mortgage Industry

According to a recent article in the American Banker reverse mortgages are becoming increasingly difficult for both the consumer and lenders alike. “It’s a good product made nearly impossible to provide”. A closer look at the challenges both consumers and reverse mortgage lenders will face in the coming years for a product that is needed more than ever.

Just how difficult is it? Watch the video for more.


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  1. Excellent. Nice job. Concise and informative. I look forward to “indepth” review. Nice way to get going in the morning. Thank you. MartyB

  2. When you have something that is 95% correct and you try make it 100% you will eliminate and complicate. So yes, things will be more difficult because of the tax and insurance, or should I say because of regulators. It would help if they gave us products that were fixed with all the optiions of the LIBORs.

  3. Shannon,

    Now that Wells Fargo has left the industry who has picked up their TPO business?

  4. Finding buyers has been a little difficult. I wonder if the exit is related to the rumored increase in real estate?

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