Interview with Rob Awalt of PRC - Skip to content

Interview with Rob Awalt of PRC

Interview with Rob Awalt of PRC

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Reverse Mortgage Market Aptitude

Attitude & Aptitude In The Reverse Mortgage Industry

Rob discusses the mindset (attitude) and skills needed to adjust to our ever-changing reverse mortgage market. I sat with Rob during NRMLA’s Western Regional Meeting in Irvine last month for a candid discussion. See Rob’s comments in the video.


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1 Comment

  1. Shannon,

    First let me compliment this series of interviews. Written interviews are good but you rarely see the person through the print. It is much different in your interviews. Also your warm care of these individuals shines through.

    Now to some difficult issues.

    With a loss of about 50% of the production for the industry as a whole in comparison to fiscal 2009, how much have they had to cut back, if any? What is his outlook for the industry near term and long term? Where does he see Savers and Purchases going and are we “puffing up” what prospects these products have in the senior community?

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