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State of Appraisals


Interview with Erik Richard of Landmark.

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Reverse Mortgage Appraisals

Reverse Mortgage Appraisals

The Reverse Fortunes interview with Erik Richard of Landmark Network (AMC) sheds light on appraisal management, home values and more… Watch the video for more details.


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  1. The biggest problem with intermediaries is with the method of communication. Vocal interaction many times can get to the root of the issue must quicker and more effectively than written, voice recorded, or even video. An intermediary at its best is just that.

    The problem with Landmark and all other AMCs is that they are not independent or unbiased intermediaries. They are in fact managing supervisors are predominantly looking out for deficiencies not more appropriate valuations.

    Landmark may be OK but the system itself is so overly bureaucratic that it harms more than it helps seniors, the actual paying consumer. As to managing their own businesses, they are fine but as to providing the highest and best appraisal services, that is totally a matter of chance. In highly and sparsely populated areas, the odds of obtaining a good appraisal from a competent appraiser are no better than rolling the dice in Vegas. Despite scores of conventions at the casinos, no one has been able to convince me to “roll the dice” or “pull the lever;” it just ain’t gonna happen — except when it comes to AMCs “where I just ain’t got no choice.”

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