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Master Communicator? – Business Communication Skills



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Business Communication Skills

Business Communication Skills

Are you a Master Communicator?
As a reverse mortgage originator you are in the communications business. See 10 ways to become a master communicator with borrowers and others.


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  1. Thanks Shannon, it’s amazing,that none of what you said hasn’t been heard before,but sometime it is nice to hear again,and start to get back to basics. This is espcially appropiate for old timers like me,who think they know it all. For instance thanking someone at the beginning and at the end of our conversations,use to do it relligiously,but since have gotten away from it. One additional comment, I like to practice the Platnium Rule,which is to treat people like they would like to be treated. Another word try to determine if your client is an auditory,visual,or kinetic,and adapt your conversation and presentation to the way they sort through life. If you have no idea about what I’m saying,then I would study up on it,it was one of the best sale courses I ever took

    • Thank you Brent and thanks for the tip on adapting to your audience’s learning style.

  2. Brent is right. When you have been in the service industries for a long time it is too easy to skip the basics.

    • Anthony,

      We don’t have such a module as Sales 101. I was speaking metaphorically regarding the core principals of selling and reading body language. We do however have a section on Reverse Fortunes on sales. You can find it here. Hope this helps.

  3. Shannon, your best yet. It is so easy to forget the basics. Thank you.

    • Thank you Jim. I forget myself. Here’s to all of us getting better at our trade.

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