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Practical Ways to Increase Happiness in the New Year

A happier 2014. Happiness. That is our wish for you in the coming year. While we cannot control every event that comes our way we can take some practical steps. As we wrap up 2013 here are a few things we can do to have a happier year.
1- Avoid retail therapy. Feeling resetless, unhappy? Shopping is not the answer. New bobbles and gadgets only briefly distract from what is bothering us. Instant gratification is only a temporary fix.
2- Work out more. The more we work out the more endorphins we generate which are natural chemicals leading to feelings of well being and enthusiasm for the rest of the day’s activities.
3- Spiritual foundation. If you have spiritual or religious beliefs don’t neglect them. Remind yourself of what is important. Your guiding principles, outlook and mission in life. Gathering with those who believe like you gives you a sense of belonging and encouragement knowing you are not alone in this life.
4- Volunteer. One wise man told me “want to foget your problems? Work on someone elses”. Getting our focus of ourselves allows us to assist those around us who often have it much worse than we do. A soup kitchen, community cleanup or mentoring children are all great ways to pay it forward and bring some perspective.
5- Embrace friendship. Make the time to spend with friends. Focus your time on laughter and shared interests avoiding negative talk and gossip. Let yourself be fully in the moment and snap a few pictures for keepsakes while you’re at it.
6-Eat better. The most powerful mood altering drug we put in our bodies is food. Be mindful of what types of food make you slump or power you up for the day. Lean proteins and veggies should be a part of each meal.
7- Turn off the television. Break out a book or play a game with your loved ones. If you fast from TV for a few days you may be surprised with the ample amount of time you have to enjoy what’s important, work on projects or reconnect with those who matter most.
8- Find the positive. Despite news or recent developments in our industry be cautious against over-reacting. Look for the silver lining in each situation while planning realistically. 2014 is just around the corner. How we approach it is in your hands. Have a great weekend and thank you from each of us here at Reverse Focus for your continued support. Happy New Year!
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