Elders Are Hot — But That Can Hurt - HECMWorld.com Skip to content

Elders Are Hot — But That Can Hurt


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Tips to protect seniors in summer heat

Yes, elder power is hot these days: as the Boomers gray, marketers of every stripe view this rising tide as a business bonanza. And while senior buying power may be hot, if seniors themselves are feeling the heat, they could be in trouble.

Reverse Mortgage Solution For Seniors

Not only is it summer; it’s one of the hotter ones on record, as climate change and ozone depletion conspire to create blazing sunshine that can make older adults feel as though they’re literally frying on the sidewalk. Because elders are not eggs, they mustn’t be hard-boiled — though they could keel over easy if they cook too long in roasting weather.

Kidding aside, keeping body temperature regulated is important for everyone, but even more so for older people. You can help by ensuring your reverse mortgage office is comfortably cool (but not chilly; excess air conditioning can be as detrimental to someone’s internal thermostat as excess heat). Be sure you also have refreshing filtered water available, which is much more welcome, physically speaking, than either coffee or tea for controlling body temperature and maintaining hydration.

Ask the homeowners you meet with if they’re staying cool enough at home in this heat. If they say no, find out what kind of cooling system they have: central A/C? A swamp cooler? If they don’t have the resources to upgrade available, yet have considerable home equity, a reverse mortgage might be one solution. Find out, too, whether their home is energy efficient to maximize the benefit of an upgraded cooling system and minimize the expense.

And HECM professionals? Don’t wait till you’re a senior to begin taking good care of yourself in hot weather (or any other time). Many people are chronically dehydrated and don’t know it. By the time you feel thirsty, you’re in a state of dehydration. So keep a glass filled with clean, non-tap water on your desk, or a water bottle (stainless steel, not plastic) in your car. After all, the more alert and refreshed you feel, the better service you’ll be able to provide to your reverse mortgage prospects — which of course includes their health and well being.




Editor in Chief: HECMWorld.com
As a prominent commentator and Editor in Chief at HECMWorld.com, Shannon Hicks has played a pivotal role in reshaping the conversation around reverse mortgages. His unique perspectives and deep understanding of the industry have not only educated countless readers but has also contributed to introducing practical strategies utilizing housing wealth with a reverse mortgage.
Shannon’s journey into the world of reverse mortgages began in 2002 as an originator and his prior work in the financial services industry. Shannon has been covering reverse mortgage news stories since 2008 when he launched the podcast HECMWorld Weekly. Later, in 2010 he began producing the weekly video series The Industry Leader Update and Friday’s Food for Thought.
Readers wishing to submit stories or interview requests can reach our team at: info@hecmworld.com.

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  1. Great fun on an important topic. Caring for the practical needs of customers is an important way to say I care about you.

    It is interesting that over the years, law firms have been far more client friendly in this regard than either CPA firms and most other businesses generally. Normally the question is coffee or tea, although it has expanded more and more to include room temperature or cold bottled water.

    Telling our customers that we care about them by the little things we do with no expectation of reciprocation means a lot to most people.

    Great article!!!

  2. James,

    Thank you so much for your kind comment! Please feel free to suggest other topics you’d like to see covered in these posts; we want to address our readers’ needs and interests as fully as possible.


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